Welcome to my to-do list.
Below you will find a comprehensive list of figures that I feel are within my capacity to sculpt and reasonably likely to be created at some point in the next 5-10 years... assuming I don't drop dead of a heart attack or get run over by a bus.
Note that this list is an ever-changing fluid thing. As my skill and technology improves, figures that I wrote off as impossible two years ago are now merely highly improbable. Please do not contact me or any of the other artists requesting that we work on a particlar figure or ask when your favorite monster will become available. I work at my own pace and choose the figures that I want to work on, which is one of the perks of not being paid for any of this.

Technically speaking, there's no reason why every single actor, rubber monster, or hand puppet that set foot or flipper on a BBC sound stage can't have an action figure. The technology exists, and with a reasonable quality resin printer and a sufficiently detailed model, the sky's the limit. But detailed models don't grow on trees, nor do the people with the time and skill to create them.
Which is my roundabout way of saying that the more complex something is, the harder it is to build, and as a general rule of thumb, anything with a human face or costume with more detail than a plain unadorned jumpsuit, is going to be beyond the skill level of most artists... at least the ones who are willing to volunteer their talents for free.
If I attempt something humanoid, it's usually because one of the other artists who's good at sculpting heads did all the hard work and the body is either quite simple (like an Axos or Sensorite bodysuit)
or I lucked out and managed to find an existing mesh somewhere out there in the wild that happened to be a fairly close match. (A good example of this would be the Saint Anthony of Pauda statue that was able to adapt into a body for the Meddling Monk, to accompany David Turner's 1:6 scale Peter Butterworth head.)
Are rules made to be broken? Sure! It's very possible I may someday attempt one or all of these creatures some day, but they aren't figures I currently have any intent of working on, so they aren't on the list, and I have plenty to keep me busy in the meantime.

The following figures are ones that I am 100% certain *will* be made and some have already been released by our guest artists. All of these should be created or remixed at some point in the next 5- 10 years, just give me time:
- 20th Anniversary TARDIS Console Room. A version already exists on Thingiverse, but I will likely create a remixed version at some point with working doors, scanner screen, interior door, and a little bit of corridor.
- Classic TARDIS Console & Console Room. This also exists, but I likewise intend to create a cleaned up and pimped out with lights and movement like the 20th Anniversary console, once I work out all the kinks on that version.
- Wood-paneled Secondary Console Room. Same as above. Got a model already, primarily a case of cleaning it up for 3D printing and adding bells and whistles.
- WOTAN from The War Machines. More or less a big solid box covered in lights and a few tape reels. Easy stuff.
- Krarg from Shada. More or less just a Mandrel body covered in angular flat plates. Articulation is the main stumbling block here because the plates wouldn't be able to flex or bend out of the way like they did on the costume.
- Koquillion from The Rescue. Fairly simple compared to other aliens. There's nothing here that couldn't be completed through a mix of TinkerCAD and MeshMixer.
- IMC Mining Robot from Colony in Space. A comparably simple TinkerCAD build, that will likely be given a pull-back lego motor similar to the Paradise Towers Cleaner Robot. I'm basically just saving this one for a rainly day after I've burned myself out working on something truly complex and need to relax with a big blocky robot.
- Bellboy's Robot from Greatest Show in the Galaxy. A large blocky robot with plenty of room for internal LEDs, the main problem is that we never really get a good look at it. Possibly one to try after the Blu-Ray set comes out.
- Cybermat Specifically an improved version of the one from The Wheel in Space. The tiny version that came with the Tomb Cyberman was okay, but I've always has a fondness for the slightly larger version used in The Wheel in Space. I've tried to recreate one before, but the head is tricky. This is one situation where I wish I had better 3D scanning software because I've got a lovely big one that came with my Product Enterprise Cyberman that just needs to be scaled down by about 50%.
- Ice Lord from The Seeds of Death. James Lee has made one. It could use some additional texturing on the face and body, but I've always wanted one, so expect this figure sooner rather than later.
- Bellal/Exxilon Native from Death to the Daleks. My experiments with trying to reproduce human faces to create a Dominator resulted in something that tragically looked about as good as Bellal's face. Slapping on some "sunglass" eyes and giving him a slightly more "piggy" nose should give me something approximating an Exxilon Native appearance. Smooth out the face a bit, print it dark red, and slap on a burlap cloak, and I've almost got two figures for the price of one.
- Monoid from The Ark. Just barely on the edge of my "No Human Faces" rule, since it's mainly a mop top in a collar with an egg in it's mouth. The hardest part is going to be finding a free face sculpt with an open mouth that I can shove the eye into.
- White Robot from The Mind Robber. We have a pretty good guest template version, that could use some tweaking to improve the articulation and screen accuracy.
- Carnival Head Auton from Terror of the Autons. We already have the heads, the only real tricky bit is the double-breasted suit.
- Nimon from The Horns of Nimon. The head would be the hardest part to sculpt. Otherwise, I could adapt a Raston Warrior Robot body and slap on some hooves.
- The Slyther from The Dalek Invasion of Earth. I could probably flub this, but it's an alien that was only on screen for a couple of seconds and changed it's appearence drastically between episodes, which makes it a lower priority.
- Macra from The Macra Terror. Big stupid looking crab built onto the back of a Volkswagen. I have some crab meshes I've downloaded, this one may also be possible, but it'll be a low priority, especially as good source images are hard to come by.
- Terileptil Android from The Visitation. On one hand, it's very angular, on the other, lots of surface detail and rhinestones. Plus it seems a shame to make one when there isn't a Terileptil to go with it, but if Character Options suddenly jump back in the game, this one might get bumped up the list.
- L1 Robot from Mysterious Planet. A complicated build for a fairly forgettable robot, but I may make it if I make Drathro. Can potentially be remote controlled like the War Machine and IMC Mining Robot.
- Cult of Demnos from Masque of Mandragora. This one is also sort of a cheat. If I can come up with a convincing robe and the creepy removable face masks, the inside can be a golden light up sphere of helix energy!
- Clockwork Soldier from The Mind Robber. Entirely possible to construct. Just a super low priority compared to other figures. Would be nice if I could make their hats light up somehow.
- Mara from Kinda and Snakedance. It's a giant pink snake. I'm sure I can find a snake model somewhere. If I ever find one that seems similar to the extra cheap inflatable version from Kinda, I may have to build it, just for a laugh.
- Total Survival Suit (TSS) System from Kinda. Probably possible to sculpt, but the holes where the figures are supposed to stick their arms through might be tricky. Also, less fun without an Adric figure to shove inside it.
- Rani's TARDIS (all 3 versions) from Mark of the Rani, Time and the Rani, and Dimensions in Time. Two of these already exist. I'd be far more inclined to work on these if we had a Rani figure to go with it.
- Krynoid (Episode 5 version) from Seeds of Doom. This is the "shambling mound" version. Mainly difficult because of all the tentacly protrusions that probably won't print well. Still, it's one of my favorite stories, so I might give it a shot.
- Fungoid from The Chase. Apparently also known as a Gubbage Cone, these were the singularly non-threatening looking umbrella-mushroom things from Mechanus. I may try making one eventually out of TPU or another flexible material. I'm thinking I might be able to fake the droopy looped tentacles on the inside by making a bunch of separate loops that just slot into holes.
- Animus from The Web Planet. This is basically the top part of a Fungoid on top of a slightly smaller Fungoid, with extra tentacles on top and a light in the bottom. The stringy nature of the tentacles makes this one iffy, but if I attempt the one, I may attempt the other.
- Seer from Underworld. AKA the golden toaster-head robot guards in gimp masks. The removable masks are going to be the only real hard part, assuming I find a suitable premade body.
- Plasmaton from Time-Flight. The absolute worst monster ever featured on Doctor Who. I may make one at some point just as an April Fool's joke. (Hey, I already made the Taran Wood Beast and Meglos)
- Imperial Dalek Shuttlecraft from Remembrance of the Daleks. The individual panels are comparatively easy, but the entire thing would need to be assembled modularly. That would take work, plus the entire thing would be about 18" long when assembled! I don't have that much room left on my toy shelf!
- The Whomobile. Already exists as a final gift from the great Chris Jones. The only reason I haven't remixed this one yet is because it's massive and would require a lot of work and shelf space.
- Dalek Battle Computer from Remembrance of the Daleks. A comparatively easy sculpt, but you really need a creepy girl action figure to stick inside it.
These figures are super complicated, and may not be possible at all, but I still may give them a try some day:
- Optera from The Web Planet. It seems a shame to leave out the Menoptera, but I'd never be able to do the wings. Their caterpillar underground brethren may just be possible though, though their stubby tentacle dreds may take quite some playing around with to produce something that's printable.
- Aridian from The Chase. A simple body stocking, but the spikey mowhawk and paper thin fins linking the arms and legs turn this one into an articulation mightmare. I'll probably attempt this one after I work through some similar problems with the Cailleach remix figure I've got in the works.
- Nucleus of the Swarm from The Invisible Enemy. I would make this figure in a heartbeat if it wasn't for all the hairy spindly bits. I think I might be able to cheat slightly by using cheap fiberoptics for the whiskers/antennae. Like the Wirrn and Alpha Centauri, this one will also be a finger puppet.
- Kamelion from The King's Demons and Planet of Fire. Exists as a guest template. This is a big *if* of a figure, probably destined for the end of the run when I've only got complicated stuff left, or when I really feel like a challenge. He may be a robot, but has a very unusual looking organic shape.
- Cryon from Attack of the Cybermen. As above. The faces may be smooth and simple enough that I can print at maximum detail and have them come out okay. The dainty human hands and well manicured fingernails... I'm less optimistic about those.
- Drathro from Mysterious Planet. I've already started work on this one, but run into some problems, as the seemingly angular body has some very complex curves. This one will likely end up being a remix figure since I've already got someone who should be 3D scanning the deluxe Eaglemoss figurine.
- Fish People from The Underwater Menace. Another one just barely on the edge of my "No Human Faces" rule. This one may just barely be possible since the faces are a single color, covered in scales, and the eyes aren't visible. On the other hand, nobody out there is desperately clamoring for a fish person action figure, and no two actors had the same makeup.
- Foamasi from The Leisure Hive. Large scaly chameleons with lots of annoying wrinkles. There are parts of this figure I know I could pull off, but I'm not sure about the entire thing.
- The Myrka from Warriors of the Deep. I hold a special fondness for the derpiest of Doctor Who monsters, and they don't get much worse than the pantomime horse of the briny deep. There are so many reasons not to even attempt this build. It's massive, has a hard to reproduce texture and muscular system (I'd probably have to try to build it out of frogs and plucked chickens, if such models exist), plus it's got head fins, skin folds, and lots of stringy seaweed looking hangy-downy bits. Building it would be a nightmare, but I sure would love to have one.
- Rills from Galaxy 4. It would be nice for my Chumbleys to have some pals. This one would be entirely dependent on me getting more proficient with Meshmixer and SculptGL, but the fact that they don't move at all is a plus.
- Vervoid from Terror of the Vervoids. Another ambitious build that's just about possible if I use all my abilities, but may end up looking like crap and having to be abandoned.
- Gods of Ragnarok from Greatest Show in the Galaxy. Seems simple enough, but there are a lot of folds in their robes. I have no doubt it would print okay, but creating the mesh is the hard part.
- Primords from Inferno. This was originally on the "nope" list, but the face is similar enough to the Universal Monsters wolf man that I may be able to adapt some existing meshes if I can find a suitible labcoat body.